Respect is the recognition and appreciation of another person’s dignity, feelings, views, and rights.
A person who campaigns to bring about political or social change.
Word creation to name a person campaigning for respectful encounters with other people.
Without being naïve about the world we live in, we believe that people are basically good.
The freedom of individual choice is key to our democracies – but within the guiding principles and values we have given ourselves as a society.
Promoting a good social climate, needs to come from within the society and each individual has the power to contribute.
Small, seemingly irrelevant daily moments can make a difference. A smile, a kind word, a helping hand. These actions have the potential to be the nucleus of societal change.
The Idea
Let’s create a movement from within the society that celebrates the small, friendly and positive everyday human encounters that can work as a nucleus for a wider recharge of social cohesion.